About the Kajimura Lab

Our laboratory focuses on the molecular mechanisms of metabolic adaptation to stress. In this regard, fat cells (adipocytes) serve as a unique model because adipose tissue comprises a dynamic organ that remodels its cellular size and composition in response to a variety of hormonal cues, nutritional changes (e.g., overeating or fasting), and temperatures. Such metabolic adaptation, involving lipolysis, lipogenesis, adipogenesis, mitochondrial biogenesis/clearance, and thermogenesis, plays a central role in the regulation of energy homeostasis.

We apply the most cutting-edge technologies and multidisciplinary approaches (e.g., molecular biology, biochemistry, developmental biology, genetics, bioinformatics, engineering) to generate a blueprint for reprogramming regulatory circuits of adaptive responses by defined factors. Our long-term goal is to use the insights we gain to restore metabolic health. Our research leads to new therapeutic interventions for the treatment of metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes), cancer, and aging.

To learn more about our research and lab members, please visit our lab website.