HPV-Related Anogenital Disease

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of viruses that are often transmitted sexually. HPV is very common. In many cases, an infection causes no symptoms and may go away without treatment. In other cases, HPV may result in genital warts or warts on the hands or feet. Some types of HPV can lead to cervical cancer, or cancer of the anus or penis.

Overview and Symptoms

If you’re a woman, you can be tested for cancer-causing strains of HPV by testing cells from your cervix, like when you get a Pap test. There is no similar test for men.


Often, low-risk symptoms of HPV, such as genital warts, will go away without treatment.  If treatment is recommended, it can include use of a topical cream or a minor surgical procedure, such as removal by freezing or cauterizing (burning).

A vaccine is available to reduce the risk of some strains of cancer-causing HPV for both men and women.

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