Required Pathology Conferences

ConferenceDayTimePlaceRequired Attendance

CP Didactic

(Lab Management, Informatics, and QAQI Lectures are incorporated into the didactic schedule; see separate sections in manual for more info)

Monday or Wednesday

8:00 am

Goldman Conference Room

2nd year AP/CP residents, 1st year CP-only residents or those 1st years starting on CP. Other residents are encouraged to attend.
Pathology Grand RoundsThursday (once monthly Sept-May)12:00 pmGoldman Conference RoomAll residents

Resident Grand Rounds


12:00 pm

Goldman Conference RoomAll residents

Surgical Slide Conference

Tuesday and Friday

12:00 pmGoldman Conference RoomAll AP or AP/CP residents

Laboratory Medicine Case Conference (CP Residents’ Report – resident-only case conference – last Wednesday of the month)


12:00 pm

Goldman Conference RoomAll AP/CP or CP - only residents. 1st year AP/CP residents are only required to attend Jan-June unless they have started on CP.

AP Didactic

Tuesday or Thursday8:00 amGoldman Conference Room1st year AP or AP/CP residents. Other residents are encouraged to attend

Journal Club

Monday, once monthly12:00 pmGoldman Conference RoomAll residents
Pathology Morbidity and Mortality ConferenceUsually last Friday of each month

12:00 pm

Goldman Conference RoomAll residents
Autopsy ConferenceMonday2:00 pmAutopsy Suite1st year AP or AP/CP residents until December; thereafter only required for resident on autopsy and presenting resident from prior week
Molecular Tumor BoardThursday7:45 amRabkin Board Shapiro 10All residents