OB/GYN Ambulatory Resident Practice
About Our Ambulatory Resident Practice

Director of Resident Ambulatory Gynecology
Residents participate actively in the ambulatory practice on a continuous longitudinal basis throughout their entire training. They perform one weekly half-day ambulatory session regardless of their other assigned hospital service functions. One attending physician is assigned as preceptor for each session with the exclusive role of providing supervisory guidance, support, and teaching for residents. Residents establish long-term doctor-patient relationships and study the evolution and management of pregnancy pathophysiology and gynecologic disease and prevention. Continuity of care is emphasized: residents are expected to arrange for and participate in all office or hospital treatments and procedures needed by their patients.
Four community health center-based continuity experiences are offered as an option for interested residents, including at two federally qualified community health centers. Residents have the option to train at South Cove Community Health Center, BID Chelsea, the Dimock Center, and Bowdoin Street to allow for a community-based experience as part of an integrated health care team. The South Cove Community Health Center has two clinical sites, one in the Chinatown neighborhood of downtown Boston, and the other in the city of Quincy, home to a large Chinese and Vietnamese population. The Bowdoin Street Health Center and the Dimock Center serve the diverse urban populations of Dorchester and Roxbury, and BID Chelsea is in an urban area serving a largely Latinx population.