Internal Medicine Residency Program
BIDMC Residency in Internal Medicine
Thank you for your interest in the Internal Medicine Residency program at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC). At BIDMC, we are committed to helping you not just survive residency, but truly thrive.
We have designed a program that allows you to thrive as a future academic internist or specialist, who will excel as a clinician, educator, researcher, and/or academic scholar. At the same time, we tailor our training program to the needs and career goals of each trainee so that you are poised to become a leader in your chosen area.
To help you achieve these goals you have the opportunity to join our primary care, global health, research, or medical education tracks. Additionally, you will participate in a robust and innovative Quality Improvement/Patient Safety curriculum. With the help of outstanding mentors, a formal research course, and dedicated research time, you will have the opportunity to complete and present research or scholarly projects.
As a major teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, you will hold an academic appointment at HMS and will play a major role in teaching our medical students.
We are known for our excellence in medical education and because of that we have the best educators and clinical teachers leading the residency, and teaching you on the wards, in clinic, and at conferences. We provide rigorous clinical training and thoughtful, evidenced-based education in a supportive environment, dedicated to wellness, and dedicated to you. Let us help you be the best doctor, professional, and leader you can be; let us show you our passion and let us help you thrive!

Christopher Smith, MD
Director, Internal Medicine Training Program
Associate Chair for Education, Department of Medicine
Mark Zeidel, MD
Chairman, Department of Medicine

We work to ensure that every one of our residents becomes an outstanding physician — a doctor to whom we would entrust the care of our loved ones. We invite you to visit us to meet with our exceptionally s art and caring residents and fellows, and to discover for yourself the world-class training opportunities that we offer. Please see this video produced by our residents on what they love about BIDMC.
Learn More
Learn more about what makes the BIDMC residency an incredible educational experience.
Graduate Medical Education
Find out more about graduate-level medical education opportunities at BIDMC.
Application Process
Learn about our application process and program requirements, and the process for prospective applications.
Peruse the wide array of fellowships we offer.
About the Program
Learn about the program and what to expect during the Internal Medicine Residency Program.
Diversity and Inclusion
BIDMC and the Internal Medicine Residency Program are committed to diversity and inclusion. Learn more.