Treating Cerebral Cavernous Malformations

The Brain Aneurysm Institute at BIDMC provides expert, multidisciplinary care for patients with cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs).

At BIDMC’s Brain Aneurysm Institute, we have a team of physicians comprised of Neurosurgeons, Stroke Neurologists, Seizure Neurologists, Neuroradiologists and Geneticists that work together to manage patients with cavernous malformations. Our integrated team provides you with comprehensive care, whether your condition calls for observation, medication or surgery. Our doctors are trained and participate in studies of cerebral cavernous malformations and related conditions to advance the science of care.

Determining the best treatment for people with CCMs requires assessing the risks and benefits of surgery. Due to the large number of people with cavernous malformations we treat each year, our subspecialists in cerebrovascular conditions have detailed, experiential knowledge of the course of the condition over time. BIDMC clinicians have been involved in natural history studies (observation) of the condition. BIDMC also has a strong collaboration with the Angioma Alliance to help in the understanding of the disease and support for patients and their families.

The Brain Aneurysm Institute’s multidisciplinary expertise and depth of experience means that whether your condition calls for observation over time or surgical intervention, physicians and surgeons expert in each phase of diagnosis and treatment work together to bring you the best possible outcomes for your particular needs.