General Medicine Research

Research in General Medicine

BIDMC's General Medicine Research TeamThe General Medicine Division supports a diverse research section led by Dr. Edward R. Marcantonio, Section Chief for Research, and Dr. Kenneth J. Mukamal, Associate Section Chief for Research. Our research mission is to conduct interdisciplinary patient-centered research focused on preventing and treating health conditions to maximize patients' quality of life and functional independence. We conduct this research within a collegial environment featuring award-winning mentorship and training.

The Section for Research consists of 18 core research faculty, 14 clinician-investigators, two epidemiologists, and two biostatisticians — and several adjunct research faculty. The Division's current external total grant funding approximates $20 million annually.

The Division conducts research in several areas, including work in:

  • aging
  • cancer screening
  • cardiovascular health
  • complementary and integrative medicine
  • health disparities
  • informed decision-making
  • transparency

We employ a variety of research methodologies including secondary analysis of large databases, qualitative methods, and traditional quantitative research methods such as surveys, observational and analytic epidemiology, and interventional trials. In addition, the Division is committed to research that improves healthcare quality and delivery and has ongoing initiatives in the areas of health care innovations and quality improvement. The Division's investigations hold both clinical implications and relevance for public health and health services delivery, locally and nationwide.

Visit our section's scholar site to learn more about our new research projects and view our recent publications.

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