Breast Cancer Support for Patients and Their Families

Dr. Tung with a breast cancer patientSupport services are a crucial component to getting, and staying well — for you, your family and friends, and caregivers. These resources may help:

  • Support groups dedicated to women diagnosed with breast cancer. We can connect you with support groups here at BIDMC or in your community, whether you are newly diagnosed, undergoing treatment, or have finished treatment.
  • Living with Cancer blog, written by experienced oncology social worker and two-time breast cancer survivor, Hester Hill Schnipper, about the challenges of living with cancer.
  • Lotsa Helping Hands, an online private group calendar to organize and coordinate helpers.
  • All BIDMC Cancer Support Services

For Husbands & Partners

It's easy to feel helpless when someone you care about has cancer. And, it's normal to feel angry, worried, guilty, confused, even resentful. In many cases, you may be required to assume additional roles, such as caregiver of the patient, caregiver of children, sole financial supporter, and more.

It's important to take care of yourself and your needs as well. Some tips that may help:

  • Say "yes" to offers of help from family and friends.
  • Give children achievable tasks so they feel that they're contributing.
  • Talk to others who understand what you're going through.
  • Do not strive for perfection.
  • Call the New England Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (508-655-3329) for a copy of their publication "When a Parent Has Cancer... How to Care for Your Children."
  • Read "When the Woman You Love Has Breast Cancer."