Critical Care
Critical Care Principal Investigators
All members of the Critical Care Division maintain active research interests, including intensive care outcomes, echocardiography in the ICU, mechanical ventilation, lung recruitment, resuscitation from cardiac arrest, and hyperoxia in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass.
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Somnath Bose, MD, MPH
Site Director, Critical Care, BID Needham; Anesthesiology; Critical Care Medicine
Brian P. O'Gara, MD, MPH
Section Head, Trauma Anesthesia; Resident Program Director, Center for Anesthesia Research Excellence (CARE); Anesthesiology; Critical Care Medicine
Todd Sarge, MD
Vice Chair, Critical Care Medicine; Anesthesiology
Shahzad Shaefi, MD, MPH
Vice Chair, Professional Affairs; Anesthesiology
Daniel S. Talmor, MD, MPH
Chair, Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine; Anesthesiology; Critical Care Medicine