OBGYN Simulations

Faculty and Resident Simulations
Both residents and OB/GYN staff are run through a series of simulations that challenge procedural skills as well as their individual knowledge and ability to work as a team. This is achieved using high fidelity full body mannequins as well as realistic partial task trainers. Specific simulation stations include, but are not limited to blood loss estimate, pre-eclampsia, post partum hemorrhage, vacuum birthing techniques, and shoulder dystocia. One on one feedback is provided to residents and staff after each simulation station.
Medical Student Orientation
OB/GYN staff provide rotating med students with a unique orientation to the specialty that utilizes a combination of lecture based material as well as full body simulation and partial task trainers. Pelvic exams are performed on volunteers, and each student receives feedback from the patient as well as the instructor. This orientation provides the groundwork necessary for each student, allowing a positive and productive experience during their OB/GYN rotation.
Medical Student Simulations
By utilizing current technology in full body simulation, the medical students are able to perform a full assessment and come up with a treatment plan for commonly seen OB/GYN diagnoses. Each student is run through a series of pre-written scenarios designed to challenge not only their knowledge base, but to assess their ability to communicate with the patient as well as with other members of the medical team.
Resident as Teacher
Residents are videotaped providing a lecture and teaching session to their peers. Utilizing this video, experienced OB/GYN staff provide each resident feedback that encourages improvement in lecture and teaching technique.
Nursing Competencies
OB/GYN nurses are guided through a series of simulations designed to teach and assess core competencies needed in daily practice. Simulation stations include blood loss estimate, shoulder dystocia, patient comfort and positioning, and OB specific cardiac arrest.