Medical Grand Rounds
Department of Medicine Lecture Series
Thursdays, 8:00 - 9:00 am
The Department of Medicine's Medical Grand Rounds lectures cover a broad range of timely and clinically-important topics. Speakers are drawn from BIDMC, Harvard Medical School and other regional and national institutions. Along with named lectureships, Medical Grand Rounds includes the BIDMC-Annals of Internal Medicine "Beyond the Guidelines" series, which uses a case-based approach to address questions related to new clinical guidelines.
NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all in-person educational meetings, such as grand rounds, morbidity and mortality conferences, and resident teaching conferences are currently being held virtually. This calendar will be updated as information about upcoming Medical Grand Rounds conferences becomes available.
Virtual Combined Harvard Medical Grand Rounds
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, BIDMC has co-hosted a number of virtual, combined Grand Rounds presentations with other Harvard Medical institutions, including Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital. View recent virtual lectures below.
COVID-19: Public Health and Scientific Challenges with Dr. Anthony Fauci
2024-2025 Academic Year Lectures
- Making Waves: The Role of Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Internists (2/6/25)
- Artificial Intelligence—How It Will Affect Clinical Care (1/9/25)
- Private Equity in American Medicine (11/7/24)
- Implications of the 2024 Election for Healthcare (9/5/24)
2023-2024 Academic Year Lectures
- Misconduct in Medical Research: Trends, Safeguards, and Examples (5/2/24)
- Pandemic Preparedness & Infectious Diseases Surveillance (4/4/24)
- Moving Toward Inclusion (3/7/24)
- Unraveling the Complexity of Immune-Related Adverse Events (2/1/24)
- Recent Developments in Hypertension Diagnosis and Treatment Among Older Adults(1/4/24)
- Advancing Cardiovascular Care and Health in the United States - From Policies to Patients (11/2/23)
- Healthcare sustainability – transforming clinical practice in the face of climate change (10/5/23)
- A Turing Test for Clinical Reasoning: Large Language Models and the Future of Diagnosis (9/7/23)
2022-2023 Academic Year Lectures
- The Elusive Goal of Equity in Kidney Transplantation (5/4/2023)
- Transgender Medicine (4/6/2023)
- Pandemic Preparedness and Response: Lessons Learned from COVID-19 with Dr. Anthony Fauci (3/2/2023)
- Fostering Resilience and Healing: Trauma-Informed Clinical Practice and Medical Education (2/2/23)
- Recent Developments in Hypertension Diagnosis and Treatment among Older Adults (1/5/23)
- What's New with Caring for Older Adults? Innovations in Geriatric Medicine(12/1/22)
- 2022 Monkeypox Outbreak: Updates and Lessons Learned (11/3/22)
- A conversation with Harvard University, Medical School, and School of Public Health Leadership (10/6/22)
- Post-Roe Reproductive Health for Internists: This is Our Lane (9/8/22)
2021-2022 Academic Year Lectures
- Caring for People Who Inject Drugs: Harm Reduction and Patient Centered Care (6/2/22)
- Race, Income, and Health Equity: From Insight to Action (5/5/22)
- Updates in the Evaluation and Management of Long COVID (4/7/22)
- COVID-19: Evolution to Endemicity? (3/3/22)
- The Omicron Surge: Testing, Clinical Aspects, Vaccines, and Global Implications (2/3/22)
- Outpatient COVID-19 Therapies in the Time of Omicron (1/6/22)
- Decoding Inherited Cardiomyopathies: From Genes to Genomes and Beyond (12/2/21)
- Telehealth Has Suddenly Become Mainstream: But Now Where Do We Go? (11/4/21)
- The MassCPR Program on SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern (10/7/21)
- Fossil Fuel Pollution and the Climate Crisis: Patients, Practice, and Policy with Secretary John Kerry (9/9/21)
2020-2021 Academic Year Lectures
- Structural Inequities: Lessons and Reflections about Promoting Equity from COVID-19 (7/8/21)
- Virtual Education in a Post-Pandemic World: Moving Beyond Zoom (6/3/21)
- Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (5/6/21)
- Evolution of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Vaccines and Treatment (4/1/21)
- Global Experience with the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons learned from the public health responses in Haiti, Malawi, and Vietnam (3/4/21)
- Not Throwing Away Our Shot: Scaling Up COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts in the United States (2/4/21)
- COVID-19 Treatment Update for ‘21 (1/7/21)
- COVID-19 Transmission: A State of the State, Our Schools, and the NBA (12/3/20)
- The Quest for a COVID-19 Vaccine with Dan Barouch (11/5/20)
- Safe Voting in a Pandemic: Challenges, Innovations, and the Role of Healthcare Professionals (10/15/20)
- COVID-19: Public Health and Scientific Challenges with Dr. Anthony Fauci (9/10/20)
Spring 2020 Lectures
- COVID-19 and Health Equity: A Focus on Health System Solutions to Magnified Inequities (7/9/20)
- Vaccine Development for COVID-19: A Status Update on the Challenges and Prospects for Success (6/4/20)
- Impact of COVID-19 Among Older Persons (5/28/20)
- COVID-19 and Acute Kidney Injury (5/21/20)
- Cardiac Manifestations of COVID-19 (5/14/20)
- Unraveling the Mystery of Clotting in COVID-19 (5/7/20)
- COVID-19 Diagnostics (4/30/20)
- Publishing in a Pandemic (4/16/20)
- Advancing New Therapies for COVID-19 (4/9/20)
- Palliative Care in a Pandemic (4/2/20)
- Pathogenesis and Management of Respiratory Failure in COVID-19: What We Know So Far (3/26/20)
2024-2025 Lecture Schedule
March 6: Harvard Combined Rounds
- Title: Prostate Cancer: Perspectives on Recent Advances
March 13: Solomon Lecture
- Speaker: Lisa Rosenbaum, MD
Title: Medical Training at a Crossroads: Can We Change the Narrative?
March 20: Eleanor and Miles Shore Faculty Development Program Awardee Lectures
- Speaker: Nicholas Nassikas, MD
Title: Climate Change and Respiratory Health in the US
- Speaker: Loren Rabinowitz, MD
Title: Postpartum NSAID Use is Safe, Effective in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Speaker: Tadataka Tsuji, DDS, PhD
Title: The Additive Impacts of Exercise and Cold Exposure on Metabolic Health
March 27: Dr. Robert S. and Judith K. Brown Nephrology Visiting Professorship Lecture
- Speaker: S. Ananth Karumanchi, MBBS
Title: Molecular Mechanisms of Preeclampsia: Implications for Cardiovascular Health
February 6: Harvard Combined Rounds
- Title: Making Waves: The Role of Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Internists
February 13: Beyond the Guidelines
- Speakers: Wendy Stead, MD; Arminder Jassar, MBBS
- Title: How would you treat this patient with tricuspid valve infective endocarditis in a patient who uses injection drugs?
February 20: New Professors Lecture
- Speaker: Adnan Majid, MD
- Title: Emerging Bronchoscopic Therapies for COPD
February 27:
- Speakers: George Tsokos, MD; Jon Arnason, MD
- Title: The CAR-T Cell Journey, from Oncology to Rheumatology and Beyond
January 9: Harvard Combined Rounds
- Title: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
January 16:
- Speaker: Rob Fields, MD
- Title: Getting to 2040: Strategies for Health System Sustainability
January 23:
- Speaker: Beth Riviello, MD, MPH
Title: Striving for Global Equity in Critical Care Research: They Don’t Call Them “Trials” for Nothing
- Speaker: Elias Baedorf-Kassis, MD
Title: Respiratory Physiology to Provide Personalized Mechanical Ventilation: Esophageal Manometry from Jere Meade to PREVENT VILI
January 30: Mark Aronson, MD, Grand Rounds
- Speaker: Inga Lennes, MD, MPH, MBA
- Title: Ambulatory Care Transformation: the Peril and Promise of a New Future
December 5: No Grand Rounds
December 12: The George E. Altman, MD Grand Rounds Medical Lecture
- Speaker: Michael Howell, MD, MPH
- Title: The Three Epochs of AI in Healthcare: What They Are, and Why You Should Care
December 19:
- Speaker: Claudia Denkinger, MD, MSc
- Title: Transdisciplinary Research to Close the Diagnostic Gap in Tuberculosis Care
November 7: Harvard Combined Rounds
- Title: The Role of Private Equity in Healthcare
November 14: Beyond the Guidelines
- Speakers: Alan Malabanan, MD; Elaine Yu, MD, MMSC
- Title: How would you treat this patient with Osteopenia?
November 21: Aaron Thurman, MD, Lecture on Humanism in Medicine
- Speaker: Jonathan Haidt, PhD
- Title: What the phone-based childhood is doing to teen mental health, and why some researchers can't see it
November 28: No Grand Rounds; Thanksgiving
October 3: No Grand Rounds; Rosh Hashanah
October 10: Julian Aroesty Grand Rounds
- Speaker: Duane Pinto, MD, MPH
- Title: Device Development for Valvular Heart Disease Challenges in Balancing Clinical Priorities
October 17: Sara and Arnold Grandberg Lecture in Primary Care Medicine
- Speaker: Christine Laine, MD, MPH, FACP
Title: The Role of Medical Journals
October 24: Clinical Reasoning Week
- Speaker: Lisa Sanders, MD, FACP
- Title: Afterwards: When the end of the infection isn’t the end of the illness
October 31: New Professors Lecture
- Speaker: Dan Costa, MD, PhD
- Title: Lung Cancer Management at BIDMC, 2004 to 2024: From therapeutic nihilism with cytotoxic chemotherapy to long-term survivors with precision oncology
- Speaker: Medha Munshi, MD
Title: Challenges and Opportunities: Enhancing Diabetes Care for Older Adults
September 5: Harvard Combined Rounds
- Title: Implications of the 2024 Election for Healthcare
September 12:
- Speaker: Mark Zeidel, MD
- Title: The End Depends on the Beginning: Origins of the Beth Israel and New England Deaconess Hospitals
September 19: Women in Medicine
- Speaker: Shikha Jain, MD, FACP
- Title: Cleaning the Sticky Floor and Shattering the Glass Ceiling
September 26: Beyond the Guidelines
- Speakers: Patricia Tung, MD; Eli Gelfand, MD
- Title: How would you approach this patient with atrial fibrillation?
September 7: Harvard Combined Rounds
- Title: A Turing Test for Clinical Reasoning: Large Language Models and the Future of Diagnosis
September 14:
- Speaker: Mark Zeidel, MD
- Title:Neural Control of Somatic Function: The Future of Physiology and Medicine
September 21: Beyond the Guidelines
- Speaker: Sandeep Kumar, MD, Jennifer Dearborn-Tomazos, MD, MPH
- Title: How would you prevent recurrent stroke in this patient?
September 28: Women in Medicine
- Speaker: Amy Oxentenko, MD
- Title: Equity and Allyship– Lessons Learned and the Road Ahead
October 5: Harvard Combined Rounds
- Title: Healthcare sustainability – transforming clinical practice in the face of climate change
October 12:Clinical Reasoning Week
- Speaker:Gurpreet Dhaliwal, MD
- Title:Can We Teach More About Less?
October 19: Sara and Arnold Grandberg Lecture in Primary Care Medicine
- Speaker: Sachin Jain, MD, MBA
- Title:Why Isn’t Health Care Better at Getting Better?
October 26:
- Speaker: Robert Gerszten, MD
- Title: Blood, Sweat and Tissues: Biochemical Profiling of Human Populations
November 2:Harvard Combined Rounds
- Title: Advancing Cardiovascular Care and Health in the United States - From Policies to Patients
November 9:Sidney H. Ingbar, MD Memorial Lecture
- Speaker: Erik Alexander, MD
- Title: From Cretinism to Conception - The Impact of Maternal Thyroid Dysfunction Before, During & After Pregnancy
November 16:Beyond the Guidelines
- Speakers: Doug Krakower, MD, Jessica Taylor, MD
- Title: How would you manage HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in this patient with medical comorbidities?
November 23:No Grand Rounds; Thanksgiving
November 30:George E. Altman, MD Grand Rounds Medical Lecture
- Speaker: Amy Finkelstein, PhD, MPhil
- Title: We've Got You Covered; Rebooting American Health Care
December 7:Nathan Sidel Lecture on the Art of Medicine – Shapiro Institute
- Speaker:Elizabeth Gaufberg, MD
- Title: Truth on the Slant: Art Museum-based Education for Health Professionals
December 14:Pulmonary Visiting Professor Lecture
- Speaker: Roy Brower, MD
- Title: Progress in Management of the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
December 21:No Grand Rounds; Christmas
December 28:No Grand Rounds; New Years
January 4:Harvard Combined Rounds
- Title: Population Health in Practice: Meeting Today’s Opportunities and Challenges
January 11:Beyond the Guidelines
- Speakers: Sylvia Rosas, MD,Giulio Romeo, MD
- Title: How Would You Manage Type 2 Diabetes in this Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease?
January 18:
- Speaker:Catherine M. DesRoches, DrPH, MSc
- Title: Transparency at the Cutting Edge: New Applications of Open Notes
January 25:Palliative Care Visiting Professor
- Speaker: Laura Gelfman, MD, MPH
- Title: Maximizing Access to Palliative Care Among Patients with Heart Failure
February 1: Harvard Combined Rounds
- Title: Unraveling the Complexity of Immune-Related Adverse Events
February 8: Shore Award Recipient Lectures
- Speaker: Moua Yang, PhD
- Title: Thiol Isomerases Link Oxidative Stress to Thrombosis
- Speaker: Ruvandhi Nathavitharana, MD, MPH
- Title: SMASH-TB: Survivor-led Multi-level Approaches to reduce Stigma due to HIV and TB
- Speaker: Sarinnapha (Fah) Vasunilashorn, PhD
- Title: Understanding the Vulnerable Brain: Polygenic Risk, Inflammation, and Postoperative Delirium
February 15: Lessee Visiting Professor in Hematology/Oncology
- Speaker: Sagar Lonial, MD, FACP
- Title:Pillars of Progress in Myeloma
February 22: Robert C. Moellering Jr. Memorial Lectureship
- Speaker: Sarah Fortune, MD
Title: Leveraging Human Population Biology to Identify Novel Bacterial Determinants of Tuberculosis Treatment Response
February 29: New Professor Lecture
- Speaker: Kenneth Mukamal, MD, MPH
Title: Alcohol Consumption and Health: A Guide to Complex Evidence
March 7: Harvard Combined Rounds
- Title: Moving Toward Inclusion
March 14: Beyond the Guidelines
- Speakers: Zach Taxin, MD; Florence Brown, MD
- Title: How Would You Treat This Inpatient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus?
March 21: Jeffrey S. Flier and Eleftheria Maratos-Flier Lectureship
- Speaker: Daniel Drucker, MD, FRCPC
- Title: Transformational gut peptide therapies for the treatment of metabolic disease
March 28: Dr. Robert S. and Judith K. Brown Nephrology Visiting Professorship Lecture
- Speaker: Susan E. Quaggin, MD
- Title: From K+ & Podocytes to Policy: The Amazing Journey of Physician-Scientists
April 4: Harvard Combined Rounds
- Title:Pandemic Preparedness & Infectious Diseases Surveillance
April 11:Frank Epstein Memorial Lecture
- Speaker: Stuart Orkin, MD
- Title: Turning on Fetal Hemoglobin as Genetic Therapy
April 18: David Trentham Visiting Professor in Rheumatology
- Speaker: John Stone, MD, MPH
- Title: IgG4-Related Disease: Things Every Internist (and Sub-Specialist) Should Know
April 25:Zetzel Visiting Professor in Gastroenterology
- Speaker: Rohit Loomba, MD, MHSc
- Title:Nomenclature and Management of Metabolic-Dysfunction Associated Steatotic Liver Disease (MASLD)
May 2: Harvard Combined Rounds
- Title:Misconduct in Medical Research: Trends, Safeguards, and Examples
May 9: Mark Aronson, MD, Grand Rounds
- Speaker: Pat Folcarelli, RN, MA, PhD
- Title: Reflections on Patient Safety, With a Touch of Optimism
May 16:
- Speaker: Geoff Ginsburg, MD, PhD
- Title: All of Us Research Program
May 23: Katherine Swan Ginsburg Lecture on Humanism in Medicine
- Speaker:James O’Connell, MD
- Title: Continuity Within Chaos: Challenges to the Health Care of Boston’s Homeless Population
May 30: MacPherson-Hiatt Visiting Professor Lecture
- Speaker: Dale Abel, MD, PhD
- Title: Diabetes and CVD, Why Does it Happen and What Can we Do About it?
June 6: Daniel C. Tosteson Visiting Professor in Medical Education – Shapiro Institute
- Speaker: Eva Aagaard, MD
- Title: Coaching to Consequences: Support and Remediation of Challenging Trainee & Physician Behaviors
June 13: Resident Research Highlights
- Speaker: Hannah Kerman, MD
Title: Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Diagnostic Reasoning: A Randomized Clinical Vignette Study
- Speaker: Aaron Troy, MD
Title: Development and Validation of an Age Less-Dependent Frailty Index
- Speaker: Dimpi Patel, MD
Title: Relationship Between ICU Sedation, Patient Memories, and Post-Intensive Care Psychological Distress