Billing and Financial Assistance

Paying Your Hospital Bill

If you were an inpatient or had an outpatient visit at BIDMC, you may receive bills for the care you received.

You may receive bills:

  • From the hospital and/or the physician
  • For services and treatments, one bill for each service (such as anesthesia, an MRI, a surgery, etc.)

Please review each bill to verify how and where to submit payment.

Online Payments

One easy way to pay your BIDMC bill is online. You will pay through a secure payment site. Payments are normally processed within two (2) business days.

The site also allows you to:

  • View your statements and balance
  • Update your personal information
  • Update information
Make a Payment

Pay by SMS Text Message Alerts

BIDMC uses CueSquared Direct MobilePay, a mobile payment solution that allows patients to pay their balances directly from their cell phones without logging into a portal, downloading an app, mailing a check or making a phone call.

How does it work?

After your visit with the provider, you will receive a text message letting you know you have a payment due. The details of your payment history and visit will be available for review within the message. Select the link in the text message to open a secure site where you can enter your payment method (credit card, HSA card, etc.). This is done only the first time you use the program. From there, you can choose to make a payment and enter the amount to pay. Complete balance or partial payments options are available. No information is stored on your phone, and BIDMC does not store your financial information.

Once your payment is made you will receive a notification of payment receipt for your records and our records reconciled immediately to reflect your payment and balance. Learn more.

If you wish to speak with a billing representative, please call 781-744-5554.


Call 781-744-5554 for all questions:

  • related to your hospital bill or payment.
  • if you have not received a bill or do not have an account number.

Pay Your Community Hospital Bill

To pay a bill from any of the three hospitals, choose a location:

Pay Your Physician Bill

To pay a bill from a Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians (HMFP) or Associated Physicians of Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians (APHMFP) practice or Beth Israel Deaconess HealthCare (BIDHC) online, choose a link below:

For information about other HMFP or APHMFP department bills

Financial Assistance

If you need help paying your medical bills, BIDMC offers financial and medical hardship assistance to patients who qualify.

Learn More

Additional Financial Resources

BILH Find Help is the place to find free/low-cost services near you.

Get help with bills, rent, buying food, transportation and more. Enter your zip code at the BILH Find Help resource below to find programs near you.

Access BILH Find Help

Billing & Health Insurance

If you have health insurance, we first bill your insurance. Any balance that the initial insurance doesn't cover will be billed to any additional insurance you may have, or directly to you.

Many insurance companies will send you an "Explanation of Benefits" (EOB) form, which is not a bill. This form explains what your insurance has paid for. Even if the EOB shows you owe a balance, do not send any payments until you receive a bill from BIDMC.

Please note that some charges may not be covered by insurance. For example, most insurance does not cover the cost of a private room. If you requested a private room, you may receive a bill for a portion of your room charge. You will not have to pay extra if a private room was medically necessary or if it was the only room available. Also, all obstetric patients are cared for in private rooms at no extra charge.

Contact your insurance company with questions about your individual coverage plan.

Surprise / Balance Billing Protection

When you get emergency care or are treated by an out-of-network provider at an in-network hospital you are protected from balance billing (also called surprise billing). In these cases, you shouldn't be charged more than your plan's copayments, coinsurance and/or deductible. You have rights and protections against surprise medical bills.

Contact Information

For questions or additional assistance, please call today.

P 781-744-5554