Surgical Removal of Testicle

There are several things you should be aware of following orchiectomy, the medical term for surgery to remove a testis.


Most men will have discomfort requiring pain medicine for 1-2 weeks. After this time, the pain usually diminishes considerably, although there may be certain times of day when discomfort is worse. Many men experience the greatest discomfort when sitting or at night. A dull ache or soreness is common for 6-8 weeks. This time is different for each person, however, as long as the pain is gradually diminishing you should not be alarmed. Eventually, all discomfort will be gone.

Swelling and bruising

The degree of swelling and bruising can be considerable following surgery. Most of this disappears by two weeks.


Please follow the directions given to you upon discharge. Take pain medicine as you need it.

Showering and bathing

Unless you are told otherwise, you may shower two days after surgery. You should not take a bath or go swimming, however, for two weeks.

Care of the wound

Stitches are absorbable and do not need to be removed. You may wash gently around your incision two days after surgery. If a scab or dried blood is present over the incision, it is best to leave it alone rather than to pick at it. The scab will fall away in several days. If staples are used to close the wound, they must be removed in 7-10 days. In such cases, call your doctor's office for an appointment for staple removal. It is OK to shower with staples; do not take a bath, however.


Intercourse can generally be resumed three weeks following surgery. In some cases, this may take longer because of discomfort, swelling, or other problems. It should not be attempted earlier than three weeks.


Please contact the office immediately for fever greater than 102°F, increasing pain or soreness around the penis or scrotum, or pus coming from the incision.