Treating Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury

There is great variability in traumatic brain injuries, but most patients come to our clinic in one of three situations. Our programs are organized around these general differences:

  • Some patients come, usually with a referral from an Emergency Room or their primary care physician (PCP) because of symptoms in the period soon after a mild injury or concussion. We may be the first specialty care.
  • Others come, usually with a referral from their PCP (primary care physician), many weeks or months after what was initially diagnosed as a mild injury, but symptoms have persisted. There has often been prior specialty evaluation and care. These are the patients whom we often defer seeing and recommend alternative plans of care.
  • And some will have had a severe injury, weeks or months before having had a long hospitalization, often including rehabilitation, but now requiring advice about the next — outpatient period of rehabilitation

There are some problems that emerge after concussion that we are not prepared to treat. Patients who remain disabled months or even years after an apparently mild injury often require an intensity and duration of treatment that we cannot provide. This particular problem is discussed in the section on programs. For some patients, recovery is stalled because of intractable headaches. This problem is better addressed in a specialized headache program even if the origin of headaches was a concussion.

Our Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury Programs