Pre-Operative Instructions 

Here are important instructions to follow to ensure you are fully prepared for your cardiac surgery.

Before your heart surgery, you will receive extensive education from your care team about how to prepare for surgery.

You will be given written pre-operative instructions and receive verbal instructions about getting ready for heart surgery and what to expect immediately after heart surgery.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call your cardiac surgeon at 617-632-8383.

Preparing for Surgery

If you are already in the hospital awaiting your surgery, your nurse will go through surgery preparations with you.

If you are coming from home on the day of your surgery, please follow these preparation instructions carefully to help make sure things go as smoothly as possible.

You will be called at home the evening before your surgery to let you know what time to arrive at BIDMC the following morning. Please be advised that your surgery may be postponed in the case of emergency patients.