Orthopaedic Unplanned Readmissions
Knee and Hip Replacement Surgery Readmissions
What are we measuring?
The percentage of total knee replacement surgical cases and the percentage of total hip replacement surgical cases requiring unplanned readmission to BIDMC within 30 days of initial discharge. Unplanned readmissions are due to a condition related to the original total joint replacement surgery, and include surgical site infections.Why is this important?
We continuously strive to deliver the best outcomes for our patients admitted to BIDMC for total joint replacement surgery. 30-day Unplanned Readmission Rate is a measure related to the quality of care provided to patients while undergoing surgery, during their hospitalization, and in the transition of care preparing for discharge after surgery. Our goal is to prevent avoidable readmissions.What is our most recent performance and trend?

What are we doing to improve?
Reoperations and readmissions are among the most frustrating experiences for total joint replacement surgery patients. Among the most common reasons for reoperation or readmission is a surgical site infection. At BIDMC we are committed to reducing surgical site infections and have implemented a core set of specific actions to eliminate preventable surgical site infections. When taken together, these specific actions (called "bundles") typically result in consistently better outcomes than if each these actions were performed individually. Learn more about surgical site infection prevention at BIDMC.Actions in the infection prevention "bundle" include:
- Appropriate use of antibiotics just prior to and during surgery.
- Appropriate hair removal at the surgical site using clippers.
- Use of antimicrobial washes and preps by patients prior to surgery.
- Use of antiseptic scrub in the Operating Room, immediately prior to surgery.
Other measures of orthopaedic care:
Last updated: April 2018