Winston Hide, PhD
Winston Hide, PhD, BIDMC Department of Pathology
Understanding Diseases Better

Through formalization of in silico systems approaches to understanding of the complex interplay of pathways and processes, my group develops and performs data-driven systems approaches to disease causal discovery. We use what we learn to prioritize drug/targets combinations.

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Working on Alzheimer's, cancers and infectious diseases, we develop systems-based approaches to coding and noncoding RNA drug and target development, discovery, and enhancement of activity of pathways that appear to confer resilience against disease. Our current focus is on mapping the interplay between dysregulation of canonical pathways, disease and resilience signatures, and definition of specific drug combinations against target pathways. 

My group developed the first systems-level synthesis of pathway and network activity that can be applied universally to gene expression profiles across species and platforms. Using [Pathprint], we discovered 4 common self-renewal pathways in acute myeloid leukemia in mouse and man. Defining pathways by correlated activity, I discovered large scale interaction between pathways and known Alzheimer’s Disease genes. Expanding pathway correlation to drug responses and diseases we established a powerful new paradigm by using pathways in children resilient to sepsis to successfully discover drugs that drive resilience in a mouse model. This work has made it possible, for the first time, to systematically define and drug the pathways that control disease.