Frank Slack Lab Members and Alumni
Past & Current Team Members
Current Lab Members
- Frank Slack, PI
- Allison Baker, Graduate Student (BBS)
- Daniel Foster, Graduate Student (BBS)
- Maud-Emmanuelle Gilles, Postdoc
- Jeff Haswell, Graduate Student (BBS)
- Soo Mi Lee, Graduate Student (Virology)
- Chun Li, Postdoc
- Jihoon Lim, Research Assistant
- Yufei Lin, Masters Student (BU Science in Statistical Practice)
- Christos Miliotis, Graduate Student (Virology)
- Tanvi Saxena, Graduate Student (BBS)
- Meirav Segal, Postdoc
- Lisa Witten, Graduate Student (BBS)
- Wencai Zhang, Postdoc
Alumni: Postdocs
- Leni Jacob, 2015-2018. Currently a Senior Research Scientist at The RNA Medicines Company.
- Eleni Anastasiadou, 2014-2018. Currently an Instructor at La Sapienza University, Rome.
- Rajesha Rupaimoole, 2015-2018. Currently a Senior Scientist at Shepherd Therapeutics.
- Brian D. Adams, 2013-2016. Currently a Principal Investigator, Research Faculty at The RNA Institute, University at Albany.
- David Chi Leung, 2014-2015.
- Carlos Stahlhut, 2012-2014. Currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Christopher Cheng, 2012-2014. Currently a Research Scientist at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.
- Andrea Kasinski, 2009-2013. Currently an Asst. Prof at Purdue University.
- Zach Pincus, 2007-2013. Currently an Asst. Prof at Washington University, St. Louis.
- Giovanni Stefani, 2005-2013. Currently an Asst. Professor at Univ. of Trento, Italy.
- Alexandre de Lancastre, 2006-2013. Currently an Asst. Prof. at Quinnipiac University, Hamden Connecticut.
- Masaomi Kato, 2006-2012. Currently an Asst. Prof. at the Centenary Institute at the University of Sydney, Australia.
- Phong Trang, 2006-2011. Currently Research Scientist at UC Berkeley.
- Pedro Medina, 2007-2011. Currently an Assoc. Prof at the Univ. of Grenada, Spain.
- Samrat Kundu, 2009-2011. Currently a Postdoc at MD Anderson.
- Shih-Peng Chan, 2004-2010. Currently an Asst. Prof at the National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taipei.
- Rachael Nimmo, 2008-2009. Currently a Postdoc at University College London.
- Ryusuke Niwa, 2004-2008. Currently an Assoc. Prof. at University of Tsukuba, Japan.
- Aurora Esquela-Kerscher, 2003-2007. Currently an Asst. Prof at Eastern Virginia Medical School.
- Diya Banerjee, 2001-2006. Subsequently an Asst. Prof. at Virginia Tech.
- Helge Grosshans, 2001-2005. Currently a Senior Group Leader, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland.
- Gopalakrishna Ramaswamy, 2002-2005. Currently a Vice President at Genotypic Technology, India.
- Eun-Young Choi, 2000-2002. Subsequently a Research Fellow at Univ. of Kentucky.
Alumni: Graduate Students
- Alan Jiao, 2012-2018. Currently a Postdoc in Dr. Yang Shi’s lab at Boston Children’s Hospital.
- Julia Ramirez Moya, 2018 (Visiting Student). Currently a PhD candidate in Molecular Biomedicine at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain.
- Paola Peinado, 2018 (Visiting Student). Currently a PhD candidate in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology program at the University of Granada, Spain.
- Minlee Kim, 2010-2015. Currently Senior Scientist at Samsung Bioepis.
- Chanatip Metheetrairut, 2009-2014. Currently a Lecturer in the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok.
- Sachi Inukai, 2010-2015. Currently a Postdoc at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston.
- Thalyana Smith-Vikos, 2010-2014. Currently Senior Journal Development Editor at BioMed Central.
- Xiaowei Chen, 2009-2014. Currently a Research Scientist at GE Global Research.
- Michael Turner, 2006-2011. Subsequently a Postdoc at US Army Research, Frederick, MD. Currently an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry at Mount St. Mary's University, Maryland.
- Imran Babar, 2006-2011. Currently a Private Equity Senior Associate at OrbiMed Advisors.
- Sirie Godshalk, 2005-2010. Currently a Postdoc in Ken Kosik's lab at UC Santa Barbara.
- Susann Weissmueller, 2007-2008. Currently a Biotech Equity Research Associate at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
- Lena Chin, 2005-2009. Currently a Life Sciences Specialist at L.E.K. Consulting.
- Sarah (Fiorentino) Roush, 2004-2009. Currently a Lab Manager at Vanderbilt University.
- Katherine Olsson Carter, 2002-2008.
- Michelle (Gulasy) Boehm, 2003-2007. Subsequently a Postdoc in Dr. Bonnie Bassler’s lab at Princeton University; currently a Freelance Medical Writer.
- Mona (Carson) Nolde, 2001-2006. Subsequently a Postdoc in Dr. Haifan Lin’s lab at Yale University; currently a Freelance Medical Writer.
- Betsy R. (Maller) Schulman, 2000-2006. Subsequently a Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Tim Natolli, Yale University; currently Managing Editor, The Neuroscientist and Administrative Assistant to Director Stephen G. Waxman, Yale University.
- Dörthe Jülich, 2002-2005. Subsequently a Postdoctoral Fellow in Dr. Scott Holley’s Lab, Yale University; currently Assoc. Research Scientist in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Yale University.
- Monica Vella, 2000-2004. Subsequently a Postdoctoral Fellow in Dr. Frank Ruddles’ Lab, Yale University; currently a Quality Improvement Analyst for Yale Shared Services, Yale University.
- Steven Johnson, 2000-2004. Subsequently a Postdoctoral Fellow in Dr. Andrew Fire’s Lab, Stanford University School of Medicine; currently an Asst. Prof. in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, BYU.
Alumni: Undergraduate Students
- Kaelyn Brown, 2015-2018
- Emanuelle Grody 2017
- Aly Toure 2017
- Luke Lynch 2016
- Lauren Otto, 2015
- Lisa Lin, 2013
- Daniel Mayne, 2013
- Julia Dixon, 2013
- Christine Parsons, 2013-2014
- Connie Liu, 2012-2013
- Nilsa Luna, 2012
- Sandra Giramahoro, 2012
- Yuri Ahuja, 2011-2012
- Caroline Dewing, 2011-2012
- Lucy Partman, 2011
- Elion Shimer, 2011-2012
- Ji Yoon, 2010-2011
- Fei Yan Pepsi Mock, 2010
- Katherine Zhou, 2009-2011
- Allison Steinmetz, 2009
- Nicholas Coppin, 2009
- Rachel Corbin, 2008-2009
- Michael Vishnevetsky, 2007-2008
- Quratulain Annie Ali, 2006-2007
- Sally Tan, 2006-2007
- Xiao Wan, 2006-2007
- Antonios Charokopos, 2006
- Kyle Gillich, 2005
- Stephanie Hocking, 2005
- Frances Cheng, 2004
- Kohta Saito, 2003-2004
- James Partridge, 2003
- Nazli Saka, 2001-2003
- Maria Keating, 2002
- Bibi Lesch, 2002-2003
- Ilana Deluca, 2001-2002
- Alvin Kwok, 2000-2002
- Jeanine Mohammed, 2001
- Ashley Saint-Fleur, 2000-2001
- Mary Abraham, 2000
- Linda Doan, 2000
Alumni: Research Technicians
- Bohyung Yoon, 2015-2018
- Stacy Piccirillo, 2009-2010
- Xianping Liang, 2007-2011
- Kristy Reinert, 2002-2004
- Shin-Yi Lin, 2001-2003
- Carol Bascom-Slack, 2000
Alumni: High School Students
- Rinni Bhansali 2017, 2018
- Tarun Amarnath 2018
- Jerry Han 2017
- Nicole Kogan, 2012, 2013
- Mariel Shlomchik, 2011
- Eugenia Kim, 2011
- Alex Jaffe, 2010
- Henry Davidge, 2009
- David Steimetz, 2008, 2009
Photo Gallery

Slack Lab Brunch

Slack Lab Picnic

Slack Lab Halloween

Slack Lab Holiday Gift Exchange

Slack Lab Ice Skating

Slack Lab Olympics Competition

Slack Lab Ice Skating

Slack Lab BBQ

Slack Lab: Sachi Inukai's Thesis Defense (Mohamed, Alan, Eleni, Brian, Sachi, Frank, & Minlee)