Eddy Chen, MD
About Eddy Chen, MD
Dr. Eddy Chen is a physician-scientist trained in medical oncology. His
research theme is to develop clinically useful biomarker assays to help
patients and oncologists manage malignancies in an optimal manner that
benefits individual patients and society. His focus has been on evaluating
the dynamics of tumor specific plasma nucleic acids as surrogate markers
for treatment response in prostate cancer therapy. He also has been
enriching circulating tumor cells from prostate cancer patients to study
mechanisms of resistance in different prostate cancer therapies.
Dr. Chen did his undergraduate studies at MIT. Afterwards, he became a research associate at Amgen, Inc, for several years working in their cancer biology labs. He then obtained his medical degree at the University of Southern California, and completed his internal medicine residency at Boston Medical Center, where he was also a Chief Resident. Subsequently, he completed his hematology-oncology fellowship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, during which he started his research work with Dr. Steven Balk. He currently works at Dana-Farber. He continues to actively see cancer patients in the clinic setting as well as hospitalized patients, in addition to pursuing his translational research interests. Dr. Chen welcomes new opportunities for collaboration in the spirit of improving the management of oncology patients.
View Dr. Chen's Harvard Catalyst profile to learn more about his research.
Chen EJ , Sun J, Williams A, Moyle M, Koeffler HP, Gudas JM. “Different Subsets of Genes are Regulated by Vitamin D3 and the Vitamin D3 Analog EB1089 in Human Breast and Prostate Cancer Cells.” AACR 91st Annual Meeting, The Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA (2000)
Chen EJ , Sun J and Gudas J: “The Vitamin D Receptor: A Ligand Activated Tumor Suppressor Gene.” Fourteenth Annual Meeting on Oncogenes, Salk Institute, La Jolla, California, (1998)
Chen EJ , and Gudas J: “Dysregulation of p27/Kip1 in Breast Cancer Cells.” Gordon Conference on Cancer, Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island, (1997)