Emergency Medicine Informatics Members
Larry A. Nathanson, MD
Steven Horng, MD MMSc
Dr. Horng is the Associate Director of Informatics, Associate Fellowship Director of Clinical Informatics (ACGME), and Associate Fellowship Director of Emergency Informatics. He is a faculty member in the Department of Emergency Medicine and Division of Clinical Informatics at BIDMC. He is dual board-certified in Emergency Medicine and Clinical Informatics. He splits his time between clinical work and designing and evaluating informatics innovations. He is the primary investigator of several grants focusing on translational clinical informatics by leveraging machine learning to the clinical domain, contextual information retrieval, and targeted decision support.
Post-doctoral Fellows (Current)
David T. Chiu, MD, MPH (2013-2015) [Informatics Fellow]
Dr. Chiu is an attending physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine at BIDMC and enrolled in the Master of Public Health in Clinical Effectiveness program at Harvard School of Public Health. His work currently focuses on cost in the emergency department and clinical decision support. Dr. Chiu completed residency and chief residency at BIDMC Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency.
Joshua W. Joseph, MD (2014-2016) [Informatics Fellow]
Dr. Joseph is an attending physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine at BIDMC and BIDMC-Milton Hospital. He completed residency at BIDMC Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency and is currently a graduate student in Computer Engineering. His research is interested in the use of expert systems and machine learning algorithms for the management of neurologic emergencies and improving emergency department operations.
Evan Leventhal, MD, PhD (2014-2016) [Informatics Fellow]
Dr. Leventhal is an attending physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine at BIDMC. He completed residency and chief residency at the University of Rochester.
Terrance Lee, MD (2015-2017) [Informatics Fellow]
Dr. Lee is an attending physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine at BIDMC and enrolled in the Master of Public Health in Health Administration. He completed residency and chief residency at BIDMC Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency. His interests lie in health informatics administration, and the intersection of informatics and medical education.
Abdulhakim Tlimat, MD (2015-2017) [Research Fellow]
Dr. Tlimat is a recent graduate from the University of Aleppo - Faculty of Medicine. His background in computer science and interest in medical informatics has led him to start working in our lab. He is focused on machine learning algorithms and their implementation in the field of medicine.
Post-doctoral Fellows (Past)
James R. Foster, MD MMSc (2011-2013)
Dr. Foster is a graduate of our informatics fellowship program and the Master's program in Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School. His work during fellowship focused on using mobile applications to improve care in the emergency department.
Steven Horng, MD MMSc (2010-2012)
Dr. Horng was our first graduate of the informatics fellowship program and the inaugural class of the Master's program in Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School. He focused his fellowship research on medical artificial intelligence. He has stayed on as faculty after graduation.
Students and Residents
Yoni Halpern, BSc
Yoni is a PhD student of Dr. Sontag at NYU. He is collaborating with the informatics research lab in the design of new algorithms to continuously risk stratify sepsis patients in the Emergency Department.
Seth J. Berkowitz, MD
Dr. Berkowitz is a Vascular and Interventional Radiology Attending Physician at BIDMC.
David A. Sontag, PhD
Dr. Sontag is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science in the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at NYU. He studies theoretical and practical aspects of machine learning and probabilistic inference, with recent applications in medicine and information retrieval. He is currently collaborating with the informatics research lab in the design of new algorithms to continuously risk stratify sepsis patients in the Emergency Department.