UME Committee
The UME COMMITTEE is composed of leaders in UME at BIDMC. Chaired by the Director of UME, the committee will work with the director to address issues of quality in medical student education at BIDMC including but not limited to:
Promoting inclusion and diversity
Supporting course and clerkship leaders in curricular development to promote continuity in the curriculum
Enhancing opportunities for integration of teaching across specialties
Enhancing opportunities for inter-professional education
Enhancing the rigor of elective clinical experiences
Enhancing the environment of learning including creation of interventions to eliminate student mistreatment
Improving the feedback and evaluation process for students
Promoting faculty development in all areas of UME
Promoting and evaluating resident-as-teacher programs as applicable in all areas of UME
Reviewing rotation evaluations and supporting continuous quality improvement
Addressing logistical issues (e.g., classroom space, access to patients) that challenge the educational experience for students
Assisting departments in transitions in leadership of courses and clerkships
Recruiting medical students to BIDMC residencies
Chair, UME director
Vice President for Education
PCE Director and Associate Director
Vice Chairs for Education in Departments that have core clerkships or advanced clinical electives or other curricular equivalent
Practice of Medicine Site Directors