Neuroradiology Fellowship
About the Neuroradiology Fellowship Program

The Diagnostic Neuroradiology Fellowship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is a Harvard Medical School-affiliated, one-year accredited program. Our department prides itself on being supportive of its fellows and places a strong emphasis on the quality of teaching on a person-to-person basis.
For more information on benefits and resources available to trainees, visit the Shapiro Institute website.
November 1, 2024: First day to accept applications.
November 1, 2024: Open house webinars can begin.
*January 13, 2025: Interviews may begin.
January 27, 2025, 12:00 pm EST: First day’s offer can be made. Programs cannot send out more offers than they have spots to fill.
March 31, 2025: Interviews completed.
Grace Period: Applicants have until 12:00 pm EST on January 29 to accept or decline any offer made before January 29. For any offer made on or after January 29 the candidate has a 1-day grace period (12:00 pm EST) to accept or decline the offer.
*Acceptance Embargo Date: No fellowship may offer acceptances before this date except internal candidates, military candidates, spouses/domestic partners who are applying for any medical fellowship in the same year, and international candidates (non-ACGME or non-RCPS program applicants).
Please refer to ERAS and NRMP resources on the American Society of Neuroradiology website:
Please submit all application materials on the ERAS website. We participate in the NRMP Neuroradiology Fellowship match.
If you have questions or would like additional details about our Neuroradiology Fellowship program, please contact:
Radiology Education OfficeDepartment of Radiology
330 Brookline Avenue, Sherman 231
Boston, MA 02215
Email Us
Fax: 617-667-3513
On behalf of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) Neuroradiology Fellowship team, we thank you for your interest in our program. The Neuroradiology Fellowship is a one-year, ACGME-accredited program with five fellows, including two-week rotations at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and Boston Children’s Hospital.
With a central role in clinical service, teaching, and research, the BIDMC Department of Radiology performs more than 450,000 radiologic examinations each year. The department provides radiography, CT, ultrasound, MRI, nuclear medicine, angiography, and interventional radiology services to both the medical center as well as our affiliated health care facilities.
There are over 65 full-time clinical diagnostic radiologists, 20 additional research faculty members, plus 30 clinical and post-doctoral research fellows. All residents, fellows, and faculty have appointments at Harvard Medical School.
Our Neuroradiology Fellows rotate through neuroradiological subspecialties, with progressive independence as they gain experience over the year. During their training, fellows successfully take independent home call, actively teach medical students and peers, complete quality improvement projects, participate in multidisciplinary conferences and tumor boards, and pursue research and other scholarly activities. Fellows also are provided the opportunity to develop skills in global health, medical education, health policy, research, and quality improvement.
Graduates of this program are expected to be:
- Clinically exceptional radiologists with solid diagnostic and interventional skills;
- Compassionate and empathetic professionals with strong interpersonal skills and an ability to excel as members of healthcare teams;
- Valuable contributors to patient care through a broad understanding of the complexities of the U.S. health care system and mastery of essential non-interpretative skills.
BIDMC's Neuroradiology Fellowship provides training in the performance and interpretation of all aspects of diagnostic neuroradiology, including hands-on experience in advanced CNS imaging techniques such as quantitative MR spectroscopy, ASL, MR perfusion, fMRI, DTI tractography, phase-contrast CSF flow imaging as well as CT perfusion and angiography.
There are close collaborative relationships between the Neuroradiology Service and the Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery in clinical and academic activities at both institutions. Additionally, correlative brain-cutting sessions are held monthly at BIDMC.
Weekly multidisciplinary conferences at both institutions provide a valuable learning experience for our neuroradiology fellows, in which comprehensive care of patients is discussed in conjunction with imaging findings.
Our Clinical Service
The neuroradiology section at BIDMC performs approximately 60,000 RVUs per year with slightly more MR than CT. Neuroradiologic services (CT and MRI) are also provided at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Needham, by PACS. We have made a department-wide commitment to PACS (McKesson).
Our Facilities at BIDMC
- 11 helical multidetector CT instruments across the sites, including at the Emergency Departments.
- 10 human MR systems, eight 1.5T, two 3T.
- Two small-bore, high-field MR systems.
- One biplane angiography suite dedicated to diagnostic and interventional neuroangiography and spinal procedures.
- State-of-the-art 3D laboratory with dedicated workstations: GE AW, Vitrea, and Tera Recon.
Collaborating Services
A multidisciplinary approach to neuroradiology training is emphasized. There is a close interrelationship of the clinical and academic activities of the Neuroradiology Service with the Departments of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Neuropathology. Correlative brain-cutting sessions are held monthly.
- Attending staff: 48
- PhD Faculty: 11
- Residents (per year): 21
- ACGME fellows: Six
- Non-ACGME fellows: Four
- NIH funding: $13 million
- Inpatient admissions/year: 1,600
- Outpatient visits/year: 25,000
Seven neurosurgeons with expertise in all major areas:
- Vascular: Drs. Ogilvy and Thomas
- Functional: Drs. Alterman, Arle, Papavassiliou
- Spine: Drs. Papavassiliou and Stippler
- Trauma: Dr. Stippler
- 1,100–1,200 open surgical cases per year
- 200 tumors
- 250 open vascular
- 500 spine
- Average neurosurgery inpatient census is approximately 25–30 patients
- Four fellows
- Two vascular (one spine and one neuro-oncology)
- Surgical Residency program
The neuroradiology service provides routine clinical fMRI and DTI for treatment planning of brain tumor and functional neurosurgery cases. Routine Arterial Spin Labeling perfusion images using a technique developed in house is also performed in brain tumors. FDG PET, Thallium Spect, and MR Spectroscopy are routinely used for the evaluation of brain tumors.
There is comprehensive training in angiography and endovascular techniques with approximately 600 diagnostic and interventional angiography cases per year. Training in vertebroplasty and spine biopsies is also offered. There is an active stereotactic radiosurgery program at BIDMC with approximately 200 cases annually.
- Multidisciplinary team
- Co-directed by a neurosurgeon, orthopedic surgeon and pain medicine specialist, reflecting true integration of these specialties
- Seven ENT surgeons
The weekly multidisciplinary head and neck cancer center is a valuable learning experience for the neuroradiology trainee, in which comprehensive care of the head and cancer patient is discussed, including a discussion of imaging findings.
The weekly multidisciplinary head and neck cancer center is a valuable learning experience for the neuroradiology trainee, in which comprehensive care of the head and cancer patient is discussed, including a discussion of imaging findings.
Program Aims
- To provide comprehensive educational experiences in the selection, performance, and interpretation of diagnostic neuroradiological studies of brain, spine, and otolaryngology, enabling fellow graduates to independently function as high-quality consultants in academic or private practice settings.
- To provide comprehensive educational experiences in the selection, performance, and interpretation of invasive neuroradiological procedures such as cerebral angiography, spinal angiography, myelography, spinal canal access for spinal fluid analysis, chemotherapeutic injections and image-guided biopsies, including some exposure to interventional techniques such as thrombolysis and cerebral aneurysm and AVM embolization.
- To provide teaching opportunities and skills to the fellows such as instruction and lectures for medical students and radiology residents.
- To provide opportunities and skills to the fellows for Quality Assurance (QA) activities in neuroradiology.
- To provide opportunities and skills to the fellows in scholarly projects in neuroradiology.
BIDMC (Boston) / BID-Needham: Neuroradiology
Rotation 1 (Inpatient/ED): The fellow will be responsible for advanced CT (CTA, CT perfusion) and MRI imaging of emergency and inpatient cases, including trauma, infection, stroke, and tumor imaging. Once these cases are signed out, the fellow will be responsible for outpatient studies.
Rotation 2 (Procedures and fMRI): The fellow will participate in Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroangiographic studies, diagnostic spinal procedures. The fellow is also responsible for the processing and interpretation of functional MRI studies. In between such cases, the fellow will be expected to read outpatient studies when time permits.
Rotation 3 (Outpatient Imaging and Conferences): The fellow will be responsible for presenting cases in the Monday 7:30 am Neuro-oncology cases and in the 9:30 am Thursday Neuroradiology Case Conference. In addition, the fellow will be responsible for reading outpatient studies.
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Adult and pediatric head and neck imaging.
Routine Conferences / Lectures
- Neuro-oncology (required for Rotation 3)
- Children's neuroradiology at Boston Children's Hospital
- Fellow teaching conference (required rotation)
- CME Neuroradiology Case Conference at BIDMC (required rotation)
- Neurology
- Neuroradiology Case Conference (required for Rotation 3)
- Stroke
- Morbidity and Mortality
- Seizure Clinic Conference
- ENT Conference
- Fellows' Conference (required rotation)
- Grand Rounds
- Journal Club (required rotation)
- Guest Lectures
- Neuroendocrinology
Call Responsibility
- Weekday and weekend evening home call/resident back-up (no overnight in-house call)
- Coverage of urgent fluoroscopic guided lumbar punctures or myelograms for BIDMC Boston
- No angiography responsibilities
- Weekend and holiday day call: readout of BIDMC Boston and BID-Needham inpatient and emergency department MRI and CT (7:30 am–3 pm and later as needed)
- Assigned for one week (from Monday at 5 pm through the following Monday at 8 am), with an additional day when covering holidays; Q5 rotation
Trainee / Program Evaluation
- Quarterly, fellows complete anonymous evaluations of the program and its rotations at both training sites, as well as of each member of the teaching faculty.
- In the spring, fellows also complete a separate Annual Program Evaluation survey, which is standardized across all training programs in the Department of Radiology and are asked about their experience thus far to help identify areas of improvement.
- At the end of the year, all data—including results from the quarterly evaluations, the APE survey, annual ACGME resident and faculty surveys, feedback obtained during the annual internal review process with the institution's GME Office as well as direct feedback from the fellows obtained during bi-annual meetings with the program director—is reviewed by the program leadership and the Program Evaluation Committee to develop an action plan for the upcoming academic year.
We analyze this data in comparison with recent years to identify trends and areas for improvement. Progress on action plans each academic year is tracked regularly through bi-annual meetings with the fellows and faculty, as well as quarterly meetings of the Radiology Educational Operations Committee (which is comprised of education leaders across our department).
Routine Conferences / Lectures
- Neuro-oncology (required for Rotation 3)
- Children's neuroradiology at Boston Children's Hospital
- Fellow teaching conference (required rotation)
- CME Neuroradiology Case Conference (BIDMC) (required rotation)
- Neurology
- Neuroradiology Case Conference (required for Rotation 3)
- Stroke
- Morbidity and Mortality
- Seizure Clinic Conference
- ENT Conference
- Fellows' Conference (required rotation)
- Grand Rounds
- Journal Club (required rotation)
- Guest Lectures
- Neuroendocrinology
The neuroradiology section at BIDMC is made up of clinicians dedicated to providing our patients leading-edge neuroimaging to care for their health while training future leaders in neuroimaging and developing neuroimaging techniques to further the management of neurological disorders.
In collaboration with our colleagues in neurology, neuro-oncology, and neurosurgery, our physicians strive to provide the best care, while advancing the practice of clinical neuroimaging.
Rafeeque Bhadelia
Clinical Services Chief
Staff Neuroradiologist
Yu-Ming Chang
Neuroradiology Fellowship Program Director
Staff Neuroradiologist
Section Lead, Neurointerventional Spine Procedures
Donnella Comeau, MD, PhD
Staff Neuroradiologist
Elizabeth Du, MD
Staff Neuroradiologist
Alice Fisher
Staff Neuroradiologist
Staff Community Radiologist
Elisa Flower
Staff Neuroradiologist
Staff Emergency Radiologist
Section Lead, Trainee Education
David Hackney
Section Chief
Pritesh Mehta
Associate Neuroradiology Fellowship Program Director
Staff Neuroradiologist
Staff Chest Radiology
Rafael Rojas
Associate Neuroradiology Fellowship Program Director
Staff Neuroradiologist
Section Co-Lead, Functional Imaging
Salil Soman
Staff Neuroradiologist
Section Co-Lead, Functional Imaging
John Mach, MD
Susana Creagh Reyes, MD
Rajiv Vyas, MD
Bulent Aslan, MD
Bradford Hastings, MD
Ibrahim Karademir, MD
Bryce Meyer, MD
Laura Ortiz-Teran, MD
Anat Yahav-Dovrat, MD
Rosaura Suazo Aguero, MD
Nana Appiawiah, MD
Maxwell Goossens, MD
Thomas Harvey, MD
Syed Naqvi, MD
Alan True, MD
Faisal Alfadhel, MD
Pediatric Neuroradiology Fellowship, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA
Kevin Alford, MD
Rad Partners, Las Vegas, NV
Elizabeth Du, MD
Staff Neuroradiologist, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
Victor Mandanas, MD
Roshni Patel, MD
Staff Neuroradiologist, Overlook Medical Center, Summit, NJ
Muhammad Abul-Wahab, MD
Diagnostic Imaging Associates, Des Moines, Iowa
Brian Hayes, MD
BIDMC Cardiothoracic Imaging Fellowship, Boston, MA
Alina Kravtsova, MD
RadNet, San Fernando Valley, CA
John Meyer III, MD
Carney Hospital, Dorchester, MA
Ilyas Chiali
Emergency Radiologist, University Hospitals Case Western University, Cleveland, OH
Christopher Hostage
Diagnostic Radiologist, North Bridge Imaging Group, Concord, MA
Anna Luisa Kuhn
Interventional Neuroradiology Fellow, UMASS Medical School, Worcester, MA
Nabeel Porbandarwala
TMC Hospital Hill, Kansas City, MO
Fourie Bezuidenhout
BIDMC Staff Radiologist, Boston, MA
Andrew Colucci
South Shore Radiological Associates, South Weymouth, MA
Jeffrey Rappleye
Radiologist, RadNet, San Fernando Valley, CA
Jeffery York
Radiologist, Mount Carmel Health, Westerville, OH
David Khatami
BIDMC MSK Fellowship, Boston, MA
Jonathan Kim
BIDMC Neuroradiology, Boston, MA
Pritesh Mehta
BIDMC Neuroradiology, Boston, MA
Archana Siddalingappa
RANT Radiology Group, Dallas, TX
Sanford Brown
South Coast, Radiology, RI
Fatemeh Kadivar
Colorado Imaging Associates, Denver, CO
Roger Liu
Medical Imaging, Northwest, Tacoma, WA
Priyanka Prakash
St. Vincent Hospital, Worcester, MA
Yu-Ming Chang
BIDMC Neuroradiology, Boston, MA
Cameron Cummings
Fox Valley Radiology Associates, Neenah WI
Kimberly A. Smith
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Cynthia Wallentin
Virtual Radiologic Professional, LLC
Jibran Ahmad
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, NH
Iris Bonilla-Yoon
Emerson, Hospital, Concord, MA
Sreenivas Garla
Commonwealth Radiology, Salem, MA
Anne Marie Sullivan
CRA Medical Imaging at Crouse and Oswego Hospital, Syracuse, NY
Sachin K. Pandey
Interventional Neuroradiology Fellow, BWH, Boston MA
Martha Lopez
XRA Medical Imaging, RI
Mary N. Tenenbaum
Fellow, Children's Hospital, Boston, MA
Ernest Nanjung Yeh
South Shore Hospital, Weymouth, MA
Harald Brodoefel
Vascular & Interventional Radiology Fellowship, BIDMC, Boston MA
Reema Chaudhary
Private Practice, Mumbai, India
Gaurav Jindal
North Shore Medical Center, Salem, MA
Gustavo Pantol
Radiology Associates of South Florida, Miami, FL
Edward S. Brewer
Kittery Point, ME
Daniel B. Case
INR Fellow, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA
Faisal Khosa
Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA
Ramesh Ramachandran
Portsmouth Hospital NHS Trust, UK
Jason S. Appel
Indian River Medical Center and Sebastian River Medical Center, Vero Beach, FL
Brian H. Livingston
Portland, ME
Neel Madan
Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA
Kalpana L. Mani
Jefferson Radiology, Hartford, CT
Macksood Aftab
Covenant Healthcare, MI
Rivka Colen
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Victor Ramon Rodriguez
Olean MRI, NY
Harprit Singh Bedi
Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA
Alice Fisher
BIDMC, Boston, MA
Aparna Shah
Boston, MA
Juan Ortega
Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA
Parag P. Shah
BIDMC Plymouth, Plymouth, MA
Positions reflect position upon fellowship completion.
Current Fellows

Serkan Akbas, MD

Semyon Chulsky, MD

Daniel Hsu, MD