Advanced Training
The fellowship offers opportunities for interested, qualified fellows to stay for an additional one to two years to prepare for an academic career. The application for these tracks is completed at the time of initial application to the program. The Advanced Training program offers three tracks: Research, Education, or Health Care Policy. Once accepted, advanced fellows develop a training plan with a mentor.
Clinician Educator 
Fellows in this track complete the Harvard Macy Institute Program for Educators in Health Professions and design an educational project. They also provide clinical education for Harvard Medical School students.
Health Care Policy
Fellows have the opportunity to work in the area of health care policy with mentors from our Accountable Care Organization, Hebrew SeniorLife/Brandeis Heller Center to Inform Policy and Practice, and other programs at Harvard Medical School. Current projects focus on improving care in nursing homes through video consultation, reducing unnecessary hospital admissions, transitions of care, developing new financial models for geriatrics, and quality improvement in the acute hospital and long-term care facility.
Fellows acquire a firm knowledge base in theoretical and practical aspects of research in aging. This will prepare them to critically evaluate the research of others and to participate in the design and conduct of their own projects. Fellows pursing the research track identify an area of research and a mentor with whom they work closely to formulate a hypothesis and to gather and analyze data. This track offers the opportunity to take courses in the Harvard School of Public Health.
The Division of Gerontology also offers the T32 Translational Research and Aging Training Program. This two-year program is open to PhDs and MDs interested in a research career in the field of aging.