Clinician-Educator Track for Fellows

Advance Your Career Goals

Do you envision a career as a clinician-educator? If so, the BIDMC Department of Medicine Clinician-Educator Track for Fellows is a unique opportunity to develop the skills necessary to become a leader in medical education.

As discoveries and procedural innovations emerge at incredible rates, it is essential that we develop skilled educators who can effectively teach the next generation of learners and become educational leaders in their field.

By tailoring a program designed for subspecialists, the Clinician-Educator Track for Fellows extends BIDMC and Harvard Medical School's rich tradition of medical education excellence, building upon long-standing programs such as the Rabkin Fellowship in Medical Education and the Clinician-Educator Track for internal medicine residents.

Develop Skills Needed as an Educator

While physician-as-teacher programs offer an opportunity to learn many of the basic elements of effective teaching, more training is needed to fully develop the skills needed to succeed as a future clinician-educator. This novel track will provide you the opportunity to rapidly develop your skills and advance your career goals as a clinician-educator.

More Than The Ability to Teach Effectively

A successful academic clinician-educator needs more than the ability to teach effectively. To excel as a clinician-educator, you must also:

  • Possess the knowledge and skills needed to evaluate learners and programs and effectively design new curricular offerings.
  • Develop the expertise necessary to be an efficient administrator, effective leader, and successful change agent.
  • Master the skills needed to investigate and disseminate important educational developments.

Curriculum and Timeline

Fellows who wish to participate in the Clinician-Educator Track will generally apply for a position during their first year of fellowship. If accepted into the track, you will participate in a comprehensive longitudinal curriculum that will extend through the remainder of training. The ideal candidates will have already demonstrated strong leadership and commitment to education during residency. The track will allow participants to expand their reach through publications, presentations at national meetings, and development of curricula.