Referring Your Patient

Your patient’s initial visit will include an ultrasound and consultation at the New England Center for Placental Disorders at BIDMC. We will coordinate and schedule any additional testing that may be necessary based on this assessment.

We are committed to working closely with referring providers. We have a care coordinator who is available to assist in expediting consultation and referrals.

For more information or to refer a patient to the New England Center for Placenta Disorders at BIDMC, please call 617-278-8137 or email

Why the New England Center for Placental Disorders?

The rise in the national cesarean section rate over the past several decades has brought with it an associated rise in the risk of abnormal placentation and obstetrical hemorrhage.

Data from many centers, as well as recommendations from such organizations as the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM), have supported the notion that patients with abnormal placentation are best cared for at tertiary hospitals with obstetrical expertise of these conditions. Other key components these patients require are the supports of large blood banks and other hospital staff (urologists, oncologists, neonatologists, interventional radiologists).

Our goal in creating the New England Center for Placental Disorders is to be a resource for obstetrical providers and their patients, for both the diagnosis and treatment of rare placental abnormalities. Often, diagnostic screening will allow for safe delivery in the community when placental invasion is deemed unlikely. However, with confirmation of placental invasion on ultrasound or MRI, our aim is to provide comprehensive, evidence-based obstetrical and surgical care to improve outcomes for both mothers and babies.

We believe our patient-centered, multidisciplinary approach to abnormal placentation results in the safest and most streamlined care for women with placental disorders. Our care team, led by our Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, works in parallel with Obstetric Anesthesia, Urology, Radiology, and Transfusion Medicine to ensure the best possible results. We also work with other surgical and support specialists throughout BIDMC as necessary.