Family Planning Clinic
Caring for Your Reproductive Health Needs
We provide individualized care for your reproductive health in a safe, respectful, and welcoming environment. We’re here to support you in your contraceptive (birth control) and family planning needs.
Experts in our Division of Family Planning offer comprehensive and confidential patient-centered care. We offer contraception counseling and provide all hormonal, barrier and intrauterine contraceptive methods, including placement of intrauterine contraception and contraceptive implants. In addition, we offer pregnancy options counseling and abortion services (early medical abortion using the “abortion pill” as well as first and second trimester surgical abortion). We also offer medical or surgical management of pregnancy loss (miscarriage).
We work closely with our BIDMC colleagues, community-based OBGYNs, primary care providers and other specialists to provide comprehensive consultations as needed. Our office reviews all referrals to ensure that patients are matched with a skilled provider and scheduled with the earliest possible appointment. For more information, please call 617-667-4600.