This oat section is under revision. For the updated Celiac Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Statement on Oats (May 2016), see Following a Gluten-Free Diet (pgs 11-14) under Celiac Center Patient Educational Materials.
- Oats are a naturally gluten-free grain.
- You can eat up to 1/2 cup of gluten-free oats per day on a gluten-free diet.
- You should only eat oats that say "gluten-free" on product packaging.
- Oats not labeled gluten-free are often contaminated with wheat, barley, or rye.
- Before you add gluten-free oats to your diet you should: 1
- Ask your doctor or dietitian if it is okay. Some people with celiac disease cannot eat oats.
- Be sure to drink enough water since oats are high in fiber.

- Almost all people with celiac disease can include small amounts of gluten-free oats in their diet.
- Oats must be labeled "gluten-free."
- Ask your doctor or dietitian if it is okay to add gluten-free oats to your diet.
- You should also consider having your celiac blood tests (IgA-tTG) rechecked a few months after adding back gluten-free oats.
BIDMC Celiac Center's position on oats in the gluten-free diet.
Revision Date: 8-29-12
Author: Tricia Thompson, MS, RD
Editors: Melinda Dennis, MS, RD, LDN and Daniel Leffler, MD, MS