Week Five: Move More

BIDMC Contributor

OCTOBER 12, 2017

stair climb

Step 1: Read Lesson

People often use the terms physical activity and exercise interchangeably. But technically, exercise is actually a subcategory of physical activity. Physical activity encompasses any movement that involves muscle contractions and an increase in metabolism. Exercise is planned or structured physical activity done regularly for the purpose of improving one or more aspects of fitness-aerobics, muscle strength, muscle-joint flexibility, or balance.

How to Safely Increase Your Physical Activity Level

Level 1
You do not currently engage in regular physical activity...
...you should begin by incorporating a few minutes of physical activity into each day, gradually building up to 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity activities.
Level 2
You are active, but at less than the recommended levels...
...you should strive to adopt more consistent activity: (1) moderate-intensity physical activity for 30 minutes or more on 5 or more days of the week, OR (2) vigorous-intensity physical activity for 20 minutes or more on 3 or more days of the week.
Level 3
You engage in moderate-intensity activities for at least 30 minutes on 5 or more days of the week...
...you may achieve even greater health benefits by increasing the time spent or intensity of those activities.
Level 4
You regularly engage in vigorous-intensity activities 20 minutes or more on 3 or more days of the week...
...you should continue to do so. Keep up the great work!

Level I: NEAT, Stretching, Walking, Calisthenics

If you are sedentary (you don't exercise at all) or have taken an extended break from exercise because of an injury, illness, pregnancy, or time constraints, it's best to start by making small changes, described below:

» Add NEAT
» Add stretching to your daily routine
» Add a short, brisk walk to your daily routine
» Add calisthenics to your weekly routine
» Add a hobby

Level 2: Increase your minutes and add variety

» Add more steps or minutes and variety

Level 3: Strength and resistance training plus more cardiovascular exercise

» Add intensity (speed and/or resistance)
» Cross Training (performing a variety of different activities and/or sports)

Feel Great by Making Substitutions In the Kitchen

You have already learned to eat less and make healthier choices in the grocery store, today we will focus on learning how to continue to make substitutions that will improve the nutritional quality of the meals we prepare right within our very own kitchen. You can save calories and fat in the kitchen without having to sacrifice flavor.

Choose Low-fat Cooking Methods

Broiling: Meat, poultry or fish is placed directly under the heat source for fast cooking. The fat from the meat drains to the bottom of the broiling pan, or if you only have a broiling rack, be sure to place a pan below to catch the drippings.

Baking/Roasting: Bake meat, poultry, fish and vegetables in at ~350 degrees without at great deal of oils or added fats. Seal the meats in foil to retain moisture.

Sautéing/stir frying: Cook meats or vegetables on the stove top in a pan with minimal amounts of non-fat liquids such as cooking wine or bouillon over medium high heat.

Braising: Food is cooked slowly in a small amount of liquid, generally wine, broth or water, in a covered pot at low heat. To reduce cooking time you can brown the meat slowly beforehand without added fats.

Steaming: Fish and vegetables are great for steaming. You can purchase steaming racks that you put over boiling water to prevent contact.

Stewing: In a pot, cover meat, fish or poultry with water or other non-fat liquid. Simmer, covered until tender. You can put the stock in the fridge to save as broth, however be sure to skim the fat off the top before each use.

Substitute High-fat Ingredients for Low-fat ingredients

Instead of: 1 cup cream
Substitute: 1 cup evaporated skim milk

Instead of: 1 cup butter, margarine or oil
Substitute: ½ cup apple butter or ½ cup prune puree + 1-2 Tbsp. Butter, margarine or oil (See recipe for prune puree below)

Instead of: 1 egg
Substitute: 2 egg whites or ¼ cup egg substitute

Instead of: Butter, margarine or vegetable oil for sautéing
Substitute: Cooking spray, chicken broth, or a small amount of olive oil

Instead of: Bacon
Substitute: Lean turkey bacon

Instead of: Ground beef
Substitute: Extra lean ground beef or ground turkey breast

Instead of: Sour cream
Substitute: Fat free sour-cream

Instead of: 1 cup chocolate chips
Substitute: ¼ - ½ cup mini chocolate chips

Instead of: 1 cup whole milk
Substitute: 1 cup skim milk

Instead of: 1 cup cream cheese
Substitute: ½ cup ricotta cheese pureed with ½ cup fat-free cream cheese

Instead of: Oil and vinegar dressing with 3 parts oil to 1 part vinegar
Substitute: 1 part olive oil + 1 part vinegar (preferably a flavored vinegar such as balsamic) + 1 part orange juice

Making Substitutions When Dining Out

Simple exchanges when ordering can make a big difference in the total calories and fat of the meal. Take a look at the time line for a typical diner, Joe.

6:15: Joe arrives at the restaurant to find a 40 minute wait. He hasn't eaten since an early lunch. He decides to sit at the bar for a drink and nibbles on the bar snacks that are in front of him.

6:50: Sits down with guest who asks for rolls and butter on the table. After hearing the specials, he decides on an entrée. His guest is interested in an appetizer, but he declines. He orders the deep fried cod with green beans drizzled with hollandaise sauce, garlic mashers. It comes with a salad with the choice of house blue cheese or house vinaigrette.

7:25: The meal is late in coming out. His salad arrives drizzled with house blue cheese and a single piece of focaccia bread. He orders his second mixed drink.

7:35: Dinner arrives. The server asks if he wants grated cheese and Joe responds yes. The server also asks if they want more rolls, to which he and his guest shrug and respond yes.

7:45: Joe cleans his plate and feels "stuffed".

7:50: His guest orders coffee and dessert. He decides that he will just have one bite of his guest's dessert. When the dessert comes out however, it looks so good that he eats half of it.

8:00: Joe and his guest part and he drives home a few blocks to sit and watch the rest of the baseball game.

Break Through Moment

What types of barriers do you see during Joe's dining experience that may prevent him from making the healthiest choices? What advice do you have for Joe?

Choose carefully. Watch out for high-fat words (left column) on menus and look for lower-fat words (right) instead.

High fatLow fat
Au gratin
Buttered or buttery
Cheese sauce
Creamed, creamy, in cream sauce
Fried (deep fried, French fried, batter fried, pan fried)

Step 2: Watch Video

Watch Kristina Spellman's video to get tips and information to help you understand this week's principles.

Step 3: Review and Complete Activities

Activities Workbook (pdf)

Step 4: Listen to Podcast

Listen to Dr. Blackburn's podcast to keep yourself motivated.

Step 5: Take Quiz

Take the quiz to test what you've learned this week!

Step 6: Perform Weekly Tasks

  • Continue to keep track of your daily intake and assess R-K-O status daily
  • Continue using Eat Less strategies: 450 in 20 minutes, measure portion sizes, use nutrition label
  • Add more activity minutes
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