Trying to Organize Cancer Finance

Hester Hill Schnipper, LICSW, OSW-C Program Manager, Oncology Social Work

OCTOBER 16, 2017

Given that we live in an increasingly digital world, it is rather surprising how much paper accompanies cancer. I am thinking not of the papers we are given at appointments, those lists of medications or appointments. No, I am thinking about the flood of bills and statements and other things related to cancer finances that come through our mailboxes. Weekly, I hear people comment about the piles of paper they have on their dining tables or kitchen counters.

From Cancer Net  comes this helpful article about how to organize and dig out from under all that paper.

Cancer, Bills, and Insurance: 4 Ways to Stay Organized

Keeping track of all of the financial paperwork involved in your cancer care can quickly become overwhelming. Here are 4 ways you can stay organized and take control of that information.

1. Keep good notes

When you talk with a representative from your insurance company, make a written record of the conversation, including the date, the name of the person with whom you spoke, and what was said.

Be sure to keep track of all of your medical expenses, including which ones have and haven’t been paid back to you by insurance, if covered. This information may include the date(s) of each service, the amount paid, and the name of the provider. You may be able to claim some expenses for tax purposes. A tax professional can provide advice on current rules and eligible expenses.

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