Pile on the Fruits and Vegetables
Hester Hill Schnipper, LICSW, OSW-C Program Manager, Oncology Social Work
FEBRUARY 27, 2017
There are several things to love about this article from HealthDay. One is that it reflects common sense. Next is that it states what my mother, and probably yours, always told you--and what we have always told our own children. Finally, it amuses me that excess is a benefit in at least one arena. And that arena would be eating your daily portion of fruits and vegetables.
There is a lot written about the overall benefit of a diet rich in plant foods and short on animal fats. This reflects those ideas, but is much more specific in recommendations--basically suggesting that we pile on the fruits and vegetables daily. If the common suggestion is five a day, ten is better. Probably fifteen is better still!.
Remember the old adage about An apple a day keeps the doctor away....
10 Daily Servings of Fruits, Veggies a Recipe for Longevity
THURSDAY, Feb. 23, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- If you want to add years to your life, 10 daily servings of fruits and vegetables may be the best recipe you can follow, a new analysis suggests.
The benefits appear to come through lower rates of heart attack, stroke, cancer and early death. And if everyone found a way to get 10 daily servings of produce, 7.8 million premature deaths would be avoided each year worldwide, the British researchers estimated.
Exactly how much in the way of fruits and vegetables is that? Anywhere from 10 small bananas or apples to 30 tablespoons of cooked spinach, peas, broccoli or cauliflower -- or roughly 800 grams of produce, the researchers said.
At least five servings (400 grams) of fruits and vegetables each day is what is currently recommended by many health agencies.