Best news from San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

Hester Hill Schnipper, LICSW, OSW-C Program Manager Emeritus, Oncology Social Work

JANUARY 14, 2019

Do you want the most useful news from the biggest breast cancer meeting?

Since 1977, the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium’s mission has been to provide state-of-the-art information on breast cancer research. From a one-day regional conference, the Symposium has grown to a five-day program attended by a broad international audience of academic and private researchers and physicians from over 90 countries. It always takes place in early December and attracts an enormous crowd of medical and scientific professionals as well as advocates and representatives from the pharmaceutical and other interested industries.

With presentations that focus on clinical, transitional, and basic research, there is likely to be something of importance to all of us with an interest in breast cancer.

Per their website, in 2007, the Cancer Therapy & Research Center (CTRC) at UT Health Science Center San Antonio and the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) announced a collaboration for the future of the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium®. The Symposium was renamed the CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Complementing the clinical strengths of the highly regarded annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium®, the AACR's scientific prestige in basic, translational and clinical cancer research will create a unique and comprehensive scientific meeting that will advance breast cancer research for the benefit of patients.


At the time of the meeting, in December, there is always news that is available in the press, radio, and online. Now, a month later, there is a great opportunity to learn about the most important presentations of 2018. At noon on Wednesday, January 16th  , Living Beyond Breast Cancer is offering a free webinar with the updates that may directly impact us.


An expert will discuss three trials that are studying three important groups of breast cancer patients. The first, the KATHERINE study, is looking at the use of Trastuzumab/herceptin plus Emtansine/Kadcyla vs. herceptin alone, in the adjuvant treatment of women with early stage Her2 positive breast cancers. The second, the SOLAR-1 study, is looking at the safety and efficacy of Alpelisib/a PK3 inhibitor plus Fulvestrant/Faslodex in the care of women with advanced breast cancer that hes progressed on or after treatment with one or more of the AIs.The third, the Impassion-130 trial, studies the use of Atezolizumab/Tecentriq plus Paclitaxel for women with metastatic triple negative breast cancer.


I am bringing this webinar to your attention because these are trials that directly influence treatment. Many of the other scientifically interesting presentations at the SABCS are about possible drugs that are years away from being clinically useful. These are all going on right now and are very relevant to us all.


You can register online here. While you are on their site, take a few minutes to look around. There are likely to be other articles of interest to you.

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