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Common questions and answers about having and recovering from orthopaedic surgery.

Some so called cancer cures are harmful

While some 'alternative' cancer treatments may help with symptoms, some are dangerous to your health. Here are rules for using alternative cancer 'cures.'

Integrative, Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapies

Most cancer patients going through treatment consider adding complementary and alternative medicine therapies to what their doctor is offering.

Or Maybe It is Not Bad Luck

Yesterday's entry was about a new paper suggesting that most mutations that result in cancer are just plain old bad luck. It does not matter what we eat or how we manage stress or whether we meditate; we just don't have that kind of control over our bodies. As a semi-related aside, if you have not read it, I strongly recommend that you read The Emperor of All Maladiesby Siddhartha Mukherjee. It is a wonderful book that reads like a fine novel and gives us an understanding of the complexity of cancer. Once you have read it, you will much better appreciate the difficulties and problems that scientists face as they try to unravel the mysteries.

Work Absences after Cancer

It is obvious that people undergoing active cancer treatment need to miss quite a lot of work. Those absences are due to appointments, treatments, and days of not feeling well because of said treatments. We manage this in a range of ways. A very supportive and flexible manager/work place is a major help. Many of us have useful benefits like ST disability and sick time and FMLA. Others are not so fortunate and don't get paid when they don't show up for work; this surely adds a pressure and stress to an already difficult period.

Sex After Baby

What?!! Well, yes, let’s talk about it. It’s likely something that you and your partner (if you’re partnered) are thinking about. And for all of the thinking and angsting that we do about it, we spend very little time actually talking about it. S-E-X! There, the elephant in the room is no longer invisible. Let’s get to it.

Evaluation for Pancreas Transplant

Receiving an organ transplant can be one of the most positive experiences of your life, improving your health and brightening your outlook. But at times it can be physically and emotionally draining. A transplant offers more independence and a longer and better quality of life. With a transplant, there are fewer restrictions on what you can eat and drink, and an overall boost in energy, all of which support a more active lifestyle. You will need frequent medical supervision after your transplant, but this intense care will gradually lessen over time. Please understand that a transplant is a treatment and not a cure. You must be committed to transplantation as a form of treatment in order for you to embrace and manage the complexities of your care.


General medicine ward rotations comprise the core experience of the internal medicine residency. Interns admit, diagnose, and manage patients with a broad range of internal medicine problems, while serving as the primary caregiver of the medical team. Residents lead teams of two interns and oversee management decisions, teach interns and medical students, and guide their team through clinical decision making. There are multiple educational opportunities provided through conferences, formal and informal daily rounds, and afternoon teaching sessions. During ward rotations, each team of interns and residents has two dedicated general internal medicine or subspecialist attendings who lead teaching conferences with particular focus on current medical dilemmas on the ward. Teams are arranged and located geographically by Firms, meaning that most of the team’s patients are located on one or two floors of the hospital.

Oncology Rehabilitation

Physical therapy helps relieve pain from cancers (lymphedema, et al.) and cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or surgery. Learn more about our PT services.

Lymphedema after breast cancer

Many women deal with lymphedema after breast cancer. Find out more about this side effect of cancer surgery as well as treatment options and other resources.

How to support a friend through cancer

Your friend has been diagnosed with cancer. How can you best support them? Here are some specific suggestions for helping a friend who is battling cancer.

Cancer Statistics: Don't Get Hung Up on the Numbers

Knowing your cancer prognosis is important, but be wary of statistics. A cancer prognosis based on the median survival can fall either way.

Thumbs-Up for Complementary and Alternative Medicine 

The American Society of Clinical Oncology sees value in complementary and alternative medicine therapies for cancer treatment with some caveats. Learn more.

Is Cancer Due Mainly to Bad Luck

We know that there are only a few cancers that can be linked to behaviors: some lung cancers are the most obvious example. The culprits then are smoking and asbestos exposure; it is important to remember that many other lung cancers are not related to either thing, and fall into the bad luckcategory. Some head and neck cancers are associated with (and associatedis different than caused by) the combination of heavy smoking and drinking. As hard as we try to identify other carcinogens and pin our cancers on dry cleaner fluids or DDT or diets heavy in animal protein....there is really no hard data. We know about some gene mutations and the increased risk of cancer; the best known are the BRCA mutations and the higher risk of breast and ovarian cancer. That leaves luck, or the lack thereof.